Cyanobacteria (blue-green
algae) are the most widely distributed algal organisms especially in tropical
countries. They are ubiquitous and cosmopolitan found in eutrophic (organically
rich) benthos of lakes, ponds, tanks etc. the BGA are the only organisms that
grow in adverse and harsh environmental conditions. The global natural
resources and energy crisis have widened the gap between demand and supply of
nitrogen fertilizer. These blue-green algae plays a significant role in filling
this gap. Cyanobacterial biofertilizer giving high yield varieties has further
increased the demand of important crops.
are different techniques for growth of BGA. These algae in general prefer
alkaline Ph; water logging and high humidity coupled with high temperature can
successfully grow in alkaline wastelands during the summer and monsoons when
all these requirements are satisfied. First technique is reclamation
experiment, in which their wasteland enclosed by a 0.5m earth embankment, so as
to encourage water logging during the rain. This results in increase in
nitrogen matter content and decrease in pH, after a few weeks a good growth of
BGA has occurred. In another technique, BGA are seeded in shallow tanks and
grow under natural environmental conditions. They are ready to use after 2 to 3
weeks. Azolla-Anabaena technique is another process for best growth of BGA.
propagation of BGA not only enrich the nitrogen status of soil by their
fixation process but also provide organic matter and biological patent
substances for plant growth. These algae form a living constituent of soil
biotype, continue their activity year after year, producing surface humus after
death and exert a solvent action on certain minerals maintaining a reserve
supply of element. So, cyanobacteria play an important role in maintenance and
build-up of soil fertility, consequently increasing rice growth and yield a
natural biofertilizer.
By: Dr. Arpana Sharma (guest
faculty, RKMVU,Ranchi)
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