Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) are the most widely distributed algal organisms especially in tropical countries. They are ubiquitous and cosmopolitan found in eutrophic (organically rich) benthos of lakes, ponds, tanks etc. the BGA are the only organisms that grow in adverse and harsh environmental conditions. The global natural resources and energy crisis have widened the gap between demand and supply of nitrogen fertilizer. These blue-green algae plays a significant role in filling this gap. Cyanobacterial biofertilizer giving high yield varieties has further increased the demand of important crops. DOMINANT BGA IN RICE FIELD: Rice cultivation is an age-old practice in our country. The average production is only about 1.7 t/ha because more than 85% of total area of rice is owned by small and marginal farmers. These farmers cannot afford to use various inputs needed to harvest maximum yield of rice. In this context, the nitrogen fixing blue-green algae deserve special...
Issue: October, 2018
Let Farmers be your God!